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In this affectionate and entertaining tribute to the witty, down-to-earth, bumptious, and passionate host of The French Chef... Read More
ReplyDeleteThis is a remarkably detailed biography on the life of Juila Child. I had learnt an awful lot about her long and legendary life from this book. Julia Child didn't take an interest in cooking until after she got married in her 30s, so it's really inspiring for me to learn that, sometimes it's okay to not know what I really want, and it's okay to take a little detour to discover who I really am. I know very well what Juila Child was famous for, yet I know very little about the war that Julia Child served, or her thrilling plane ride above the sky of Chongqing in war torn China back in the 40s. How many of us know that before Julia Child took an interest in French cooking, it was Chinese food in Chongqing that woke up her palate? Do many of us know that Julia Child and her husband had a serious car accident the day before their wedding, on her way to her rehearsal dinner? She was ejected out of the car. What a survivor!!! Having a broken arm and numerous stitches on her forehead didn't make her cancel her rehearsal dinner and wedding plan! It may look to the world that Julia Child had her success very easy, but little do people know that it took her many years of hard work and dedication to evolve to the celebrity TV cook she had become. Then what life doesn't have tragedy, heart break, crisis and trauma? This book has lots of remarkable details on Julia Child’s lifetime of ups and downs. The book took me to experience a lot of emotions, happiness, pains and sadness behind that cheerful face of America's TV icon. Julia Child is no doubt a very strong woman, and a fighter, and this book tells it all. This book is a great read. It tells me not only the detailed biography of Julia Child, but it gives me a very valuable history lesson on the culture and the significant events in the bygone era which Julia grew up.