The Complete Thyroid Health and Diet Guide: Understanding and Managing Thyroid Disease

 I'm reading this book right now because I had been feeling not well for many months and then one day, my body just crashed and I had to be hospitalized.  It took a long time before one of my doctors made the right diagnosis, which prompted me going to the hospital.  Upon admission, I had the vitals of a near-death person.  My thyroid numbers were so high that they went beyond the highest number in the range of meansurement.  All my electrolytes were way off.  I was always a slim and healthy person, and all my regular checkups were good.  So it took my doctors a while to find out what was wrong with me when I complained about slight discomfort in my guts. My persistent complaints about my guts sent me to do  MRIs, ultrasounds, and CT scans on my guts. All the imaging came out good and my doctors began to think my compalaints were due to stress and could be psychological.  They also suspected I just had a stomach flu that I just needed to wait it out.  I went to my doctors so many times about my slight discomfort of my guts that I even began to doubt that I was a cry baby .  But as I unwillingly lost more and more weight and then I started to even voimit and have diahrrea all the time, and became so skeletal thin, that was when one of my doctors finally diagnosed my thyroid problem.  A lot of people thought I was one of those weight-loss obsessed women that caused my plight of anorexia.  I never attempted to lose weight. I had always been slim, but my skeletal body was due to my thyroid that caused me to throw up everything I ate and it gave me diahreeas.  My doctors told me most thryoid patients had weight gains, and popping eyes. But I am the opposite. My eyes didn't pop out, and I losts too much weight to the point that I was mal-nutritioned and nearly died because of mal-nutritioned. I almost had a cardiac arrest like Karen Carpenters. So I was hospitalized for days and was on many IV bags. Now,  both my arms and wrists are still bruised and painful from the IVs.

So, I'm reading this book now to try to control my thyroid illness.  I don't want to have another episode of hospitaliation. This book told me to sleep early and to reduce stress. I realize that I had never had enough sleep in my entire life. I always stayed up late and may be that was why I became ill with my thyroid. So now, I will try to sleep early and see if things improve.  I like this book because it's very informational and it includes meal plans and recipes.


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