Networth: Successful Investing in the Companies That Will Prevail through Internet Booms and Busts

Networth: Successful Investing in the Companies* That Will Prevail through Internet Booms and Busts

I'm now giving away this book to make space on my bookshelf. If you are interested in getting this book, please contact me. This book is available on a first-ask-first get basis.  

"AOL Time Warner is a perfect example of the company of the future. It is a company whose heritage straddles the on-line and off-line worlds and whose future aims to blend the best of both." pg. 12

It's intriquing how time can always dethrone the most powerful empires and also the most prominent companies. AOL Time Warner and Yahoo! were often hailed by this book to be the most prominent internet companies that investors should invest in.  But look at these two companies today.

I inherited this book from my mom-in-law instead of money. After reading the above, I'm not surprised why she didn't have any money to leave for my husband and I.... Where is AOL Time Warner now???  Even though this book was wrong about AOL Time Warner, it is still an interesting read to me, it reads more like the history of the internet.

"That revolution (meaning the internet technology), Mr. Greenspan says, has fundamentally changed the way the global economy operates, improving efficiency, increasing productivity, and helping to hold inflation in check.' pg. 21  

Looking at the high inflation today and the chronic shortages of raw materials and and productive labor,  the above opinon was so wrong.  I guess Mr. Greenspan never expected that the internet had intensified the concentration of  the global  supply chains in a handful countries with cheap productive labor, which created the vulnerability that can't withstand the pandemic and the geopolitic upheavals.  The internet technology also created a lot of wealth in equity fundd all over the world, which having been scooping up single family homes in the USA by the the blocks and neighborhoods. Today, housing has become very unaffordable and everything has become very expensive, thanks to the internet and the ease for international transactions enabled by the interent.  


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