How to Write & Sell Your First Novel
I don't remember when and where I bought this book, althogh I'm sure I didn't buy it in a traiditional bookstore. It could be from one of the moving sales in my college dorm when my school mates were selling their stuff upon graduation. I don't usually buy used books but when I see a book in new condition that is sold for a dollar or less, I usually buy when the book title is of my interest. I don't know about you, but the book cover and the book title influence me heavily in terms of making a purchase decision, whether I'm buying from a bookstore or at a garage sale. When I bought this book, I dreamed of becoming a novelist. But I never took any effort in pursuing that dream. My life was quite busy with my new job after graduation and as days went by, I had even forgotten that I had bought this book and that I once had that little spark in my heart for wanting to write. I hadn't even turned one page of this book after I bought it. The final exams kept me so overwhelmed at the time. Now in restrospect, I realize, at least from my own personal experience, final exams in college are dreams killer. If I'm not trying to organize my apartment by opening one of my dusty moving boxes that I had hauled all over the country from my college dorm, I wouldn't have discovered this dead dream of mine from long ago.
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