I'm giving away the above book to make space on my bookshelf . To claim the book, please fill out the following form and input the giveaway code applicable to this book. This book is available on a first-claim-first-get basis. I will ship the book for free to the first claimer who resides in the USA. This giveaway has no deadline and is open as long as no one claims the book. I posted the giveaway code of this book on Twitter. Please check my Tweets for the giveaway code, or you can subscribe to my email list to be alerted of my giveaway codes regularly. To read the back cover summary of this book , please click here . Loading... I bought this book long time ago because I was lured by the book title. I love visiting bookstores and when I saw this book on the shelf at one of the bookstores which I patroned, I couldn't resist buying it. But like the many other books that I had bought, I had forgotten about this book after I put it on my bookshelf. I...
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