Magazine Review: Real Simple Organize Your Home
I enjoyed the article "The Book Fairy" on page 17 of this one-time specialized magazine published in 2019. Just like the author, I also have a storage unit that stores my books and magazines. I had never retrieved one book or one magazine from my storage unit. I went to the storage unit to drop off my boxes of books and magazines and I never went there to retrieve a box to read or to giveaway. Recently, I have realized that paying high rent for the storage of books and magazines is just absurd, so I have been giving away numerous books to Goodwill. It's nice to learn from reading this magazine that there are other places where I can give my books to. Like the author, I also had tried giving away my books and magazines on Twitter. But unlike the author, I never had anyone asking me for my giveaways. The author of this artcile have a hard time in parting with books. But for me, I have an even harder time to part with my huge collection of glossy magazines. All the books...