There Was a Little Girl: The Real Story of My Mother and Me

There Was a Little Girl: The Real Story of My Mother and Me

"The relationships between mothers and their daughters are often fraught and fascinatingly complicated." pg. 3.  I absultely agree with Brook Shields here.

"As a child, I literally couldn't imagine life without her. I used to think that if Mom died, I'd die. too." pg.4   I'm glad that she now has a husband and two beautiful daugthers. This is why people must get married and must have children, either adopted or biological,  particularly for those who are the only child.  I hold nothing against people who don't want to get married or have kids, but when our parents die, what family will we have if we don't have a committed partner to build a family with?  Friends can't replace family because rarely will a friend feel, "If my friend died, I'd die too." 

"She saw herself the way she wanted others to see her and built up the necessary barricades between her real characters and what she presented." pg 7.  Wow, this sounds like my own mother.

"How deeply do any of us really know our mothers? And how well do they really know us?" pg.7  These are really great questions.




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