The Kiss

The Kiss

Today, one of my friends reminded me of a book that I gave her long time ago, a book that I even forgot about reading it.  When she mentioned the book's title to me, I couldn't register it at all.  But after I went to Amazon  to read the book summary on the back cover,  I started to remember, even though the details of the story is still missing in my memory.  Now I remember I didn't care for this book too much when I read it years ago because I was still single and I couldn't relate to the marriage problem in the story.  May be if I re-read the book now, I will feel differently. Who knows.  But I don't  intend to spend time to re-read a book that didn't leave much an impression in me the last time.  I certainly don't want to buy this book again just because I don't remember I had bought it once, read it and gave it away already.  This is why I'm leaving  a reminder here for myself.  

P.S. I'm currently giving away another novel because I'm trying to make space on my cluttered bookshelf. Click here to check it out


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