
Showing posts from May, 2021

Taste of Home Diabetes Cookbook: Eat right, feel great with 370 family-friendly, crave-worthy dishes!

Click here to read a page... Recipe included in this cookbook:  Apple-glazed Chicken Thighs

SharePoint 2010 User's Guide: Learning Microsoft's Business Collaboration Platform

Technology changes so fast that what we learned before is now useless. This book is outdated. I had been keeping it because I had been planning to use the book's pages to make a desk organizer shown in the video below. I hadn't had the time to make it yet. I desperately need to declutter my bookshelves. I feel that I'm trapped in the same town for too long and the thought of moving with all my shelves of books just overwhlems me. So, I just had to trash this book . I hate it going to the landfill but I must free mysself enough to contemplate moving. My curbside recycle pickup told me it didn't take books as recyclables. So the landfill it went.  I'm also currently having some books that I can give to you for free if you want them.  The list of such free books giveaway is constantly updating as I'm organizing my bookshelves, click here for the latest update.

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

Sometimes a non-fiction can be more a page turner than fiction.  I find this book very thought-provocaking.  When the book mentions that in order for the Spanish crown, the conquistadors and their descendants to make themselves very rich,  they designed instituions to  force indigenous people's living standard down to a subsistence level, and to extract all income in excess of this for the Spaniards. Such institutions 1) expropriated the land of the indigenous people,  2) forced them to work in exchange for low wages, 3) charged high taxes and 4) charged high prices for goods that weren't even voluntarily bought.  After I read all these four measures, I can't help but compare the existing policy of my elected government to the tactics of these old colonial institutions.  I know that I read this book years too late. But to me, this book is still mind-opening.  Have you read this book?  What do you feel about it? 

The Best of Gourmet 1997: Featuring the Flavors of Greece

Click here to read a page.

Be Happy!: A Little Book for a Happy You and a Better World

This is such a great little book to read with the kids. The illustrations inside the book are so cute that looking at them gives an instant boost of happiness. This book may be small but it teaches great wisdom of happiness to adults and kids. We love reading this book very much.  Click here to read a page .     P.S.  I'm currently purging my bookshelves to make space, so I'm now giving away a bunch of books and magazines that are like new condition .  I'm also selling some of them for a buck or two .

Mary Kay: The Success Story of America's Most Dynamic Businesswoman

I have a feeling that  this is going to be a good book just by reading the preface, "My retirement was less than a week old, and I already knew why so many obituaries include the phrase "He retired last year.""   It turned out that the author had attempted to  write a book before she wrote this autobiography decades ago.  I love her tone of humor and I'm now intrigued by her success after I googled who Mary Kay was.  I never liked the preface of any book that I had read, but I enjoyed the preface of this book and I found it very inspiring.  

Networth: Successful Investing in the Companies That Will Prevail through Internet Booms and Busts

I'm now giving away this book to make space on my bookshelf. If you are interested in getting this book, please contact me . This book is available on a first-ask-first get basis.   "AOL Time Warner is a perfect example of the company of the future. It is a company whose heritage straddles the on-line and off-line worlds and whose future aims to blend the best of both." pg. 12 It's intriquing how time can always dethrone the most powerful empires and also the most prominent companies. AOL Time Warner and Yahoo! were often hailed by this book to be the most prominent internet companies that investors should invest in.  But look at these two companies today. I inherited this book from my mom-in-law instead of money. After reading the above, I'm not surprised why she didn't have any money to leave for my husband and I.... Where is AOL Time Warner now???  Even though this book was wrong about AOL Time Warner, it is still an interesting read to me, it reads

Bloomberg: A Billionaire's Ambition

"Before the buildings disintegrated, dozens of people trapped on the upper floors propelled themselves out of shattered windows to escape the intolerable heat of burning fuel.  The desperate images seared themselves into New Yorkers' minds.  Each jumper landed with a sickening  thud, the sound of the bodies creating a drumbeat of death that echoed throughout the city." pg. xiii to pg. xiv Wow, I think this reads like a page turner more than the Stephen King novel that I recently  tried to read but put down...

QuickBooks 2011 For Dummies

Technology changes so fast that what we learned before is now useless. This book is outdated. I had been keeping it because I had been planning to use the book's pages to make a wreath shown in the video below. I hadn't had the time to make it yet.  I desperately need to declutter my bookshelves. I feel that I'm trapped in the same town for too long and the thought of moving with all my shelves of books just overwhlems me. So, I just had to trash this book. I hate it going to the landfill but I must free mysself enough to contemplate moving. My curbside recycle pickup told me it didn't take books as recyclables. So the landfill it went.

Country Living The New Look of Country

Click here to read a page.